Featured Artists from ZAMBIA

Thanks to the zambian Artists who participate the NALA Project.


The Artists from Zambia are (in alphabetical order)

Caleb Chisha, Christopher Simbule, Chris Kamubuza, Gordon Shamulenge, Ignatius Sampa, Joseph Shakulipa, Kingsley Kapope, Mapopa Manda, Maximilian Kapopo, Mulenga Mulenga, Nukwase Tembo, Owen Shikabeta, Rodgers Sakala, Steve Mwansa.


Artist:  Ignitius Sampa
Place of birth:  Lusaka / Zambia  Date of birth: unknown 
Occupation:  Visual Artist
Workplace:  Art Studios in Cooperation with the Henry Tayali Art Gallery,                         Showground Lusaka / Zambia Art Academy without Walls (AAWW)
Ignitius Sampa died on 1.November 2014 after a Car accident in Lusaka, Zambia
RIP, Ignitius Sampa

Artist:  Mulenga J. Mulenga
Place of birth: Lusaka / Zambia  Date of birth: 1987
Residence today: Lusaka / Zambia  Occupation: Visual Artist
Workplace: Art Studios in Cooperation with the Henry Tayali Art Gallery,                         Showground Lusaka / Zambia Art Academy without Walls (AAWW) 

Majors: Paintings in Oil



Email: kutangila@gmail.com




Mulenga J. Mulenga was born in 1987; she is a freelance versatile young female artist on the Zambia Art scene.  She has been practicing her artistic on a professional level since 2009. Mulenga is a painter, sculptor, writer and photographer. She holds an Art & Design Diploma from Evelyn Hone College of Commerce and Applied Arts. She also has a particular interest in art administration, and currently she is a committee member of the Insaka International Artists Trust (IIAT) and works in the Insakartists Office. Her works can be easily be identified by the palette knifes marks and the use of raw colours. Currently she is practising her artistic skills at the Art Academy Without Walls (AAWW) Studio in aka, Zambia.


Artist: Christopher Simbule
Place of birth:  Lusaka / Zambia  Date of birth: unknown
Residence today: Lusaka / Zambia  Occupation: Visual Artist,
Workplace: Art Studio in Cooperation with the Henry Tayali Art Gallery,                           Showground Lusaka Majors: Paintings in acrylic



Tel.  +260 211 254 440

Email:  csimbule@gmail.com
Christopher not submitted any Biography yet 

Artist:                                Mapopa Hussein Manda
Place of birth:                    Lusaka / Zambia
Date of birth:                     12.October
Residence today:              Lusaka / Zambia
Occupation:                      Visual Artist,
Workplace:                       Art Studio in Cooperation with the Henry Tayali Art Gallery,
                                         Showground Lusaka / Zambia
Majors:                             mixed media, newspaper, acrylic


Tel.                                   +260 977 116 494

Email:                              mapssein@gmail.com
Mapopa not submitted any Biography yet 

Artist:                                Gordon Shamulenge
Place of birth:                   Lusaka / Zambia
Residence today:             Lusaka / Zambia
Occupation:                      Visual Artist, Sculptor
Workplace:                       Art Studio in Cooperation with the Henry Tayali Art Gallery,
                                         Showground Lusaka / Zambia
Majors:                             Paintings in Oil, Sculptures in Wood


Tel.                                  +260 977 201 502 

Email:                              gordonshamulenge@gmail.com

Gordon not submitted any Biography yet 

Artist:                              Caleb Chisha
Place of birth:                   Ndola / Zambia
Date of birth:                    24.6.1986
Residence today:             Lusaka / Zambia
Occupation:                      Visual Artist 
Workplace:                       Art Studio in Cooperation with the Henry Tayali Art Gallery,
                                         Showground Lusaka / Zambia
Majors:                             Realistic paintings in Oil


Email:                              caleb.chisha@facebook.com


Caleb Chisha intentionally creates art works for the sake of self-expression.


To him, art is very much a religion, and he sees it is a life time commitment to be a practicing artist. He says his African roots have no bearing on the way he looks at like, and it has taken Caleb well over 6 years to perfect certain techniques in his art and move towards a professional level of appreciation. However there is much more that he is discovering all the time through trial and error, most of Caleb’s works talks about the issues that affect us daily. He enjoys doing human figures because to him, it feels like he is appreciating the creation of humanity. His subject matter is often that of African daily life, usually depicting their culture and traditions.


Artist:                                Owen Shikabeta
Place of birth:                    Lusaka / Zambia
Date of birth:                     8.May 1986
Residence today:              Lusaka / Zambia
Occupation:                       Visual Artist /  Sculptor
Workplace:                        Art Studios in Cooperation with the Henry Tayali Art Gallery,                                             Showground Lusaka / Zambia
Majors:                              Sculptures in Metal


Email:                               shikabz@gmail.com
Owen not submitted any Biography yet 


Artist:                              Joseph Shakulipa
Place of birth:                   Lusaka / Zambia
Date of birth:                    1981
Residence today:             Lusaka / Zambia
Occupation:                      Visual Artist / Sculptor
Workplace:                       Art Studios in Cooperation with  the Henry Tayali Art Gallery
                                         Showground Lusaka / Zambia
Majors:                             Sculptures in Wood and Metal



Tel:                                  +260 964 575 068

Email:                               shakulipa999@yahoo.com

Joseph is not submitted any biography yet.


Artist:                               Chris Kamubuza
Place of birth:                    Lusaka / Zambia
Date of birth:                     21.7.1989
Residence today:              Lusaka / Zambia
Occupation:                       Artist
Workplace:                        Lusaka, but you can reach Chris at the Sunday Market at the                                             Arcades Shoppingmall (parkingplace) in Lusaka near the                                                   Showground.
Majors:                              little sculptures made out of wire, paper, paint and glue


Tel:                                   +260 97 81 71717 and search Chris Kamubuza by Facebook




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